entourage rocks!

24 08 2009

entourageso i’ve recently gotten into entourage and i have to say i wish that i hadn’t waited so long to check it out!  i used to watch an episode here and there but i didn’t want to commit to another show as my list of “don’t miss shows on tv” was way too long!  but all of my friends were into it so i decided that i’d one day watch all the seasons and catch up.  well that day is finally here!  and again i must ask- WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG????


i’ve just finished seasons 1, 4, 5, and 6 (up to date at least) and i’m hooked.  actually i’ve been hooked since initially catching up on season 6 via shaw on demand 🙂  currently getting ahold of season 2 and 3 and i’m good!  what i love about this show is that it’s about guys!  guys doing guy things [you know what i mean].  it’s sex and the city for men but better!  the writers have really nailed the relationships between the characters and of course the actors are perfect.  it’s like watching a show about me and my guy friends.  we’d probably be exactly like this if we had the chance!  seriously, screwing chicks, smoking week, and partying…pretty much the definition of fun [not verbatim of course but you get the idea] 😉  i think we all know a vince, an eric, a turtle, a drama (seriously…what a great name!), and hopefully an ari (just to keep things interesting).  but to have them all inhabit one show weekly…awesome!


anyway, i recommend the series to anyone reading!  and if i ever get the chance to meet the writers and actors, all i want to do is shake their hands and say well done men!